Supporting MVPS and Children
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Primary Ethics


Do something life-changing! Volunteer to teach ethics

Familes can choose to either study scripture or ethics throughout the school year. Ethics classes help children develop the life skills they need to voice their opinions, listen respectfully to others and make decisions based on evidence and reasoning rather than habit or peer pressure.

Thousands of volunteers from all walks of life and of all ages teach ethics every week. Free training, full lesson materials and ongoing support is provided.

The school is currently taking calls for volunteers for the Primary Ethics programme. Find out more below.

The value of ethics education: volunteers and teachers.

Ethics classes provide an alternative to the weekly half-hour special religious education lessons (scripture) which are held at MVPS. They are designed to help children develop skills in ethical reasoning, critical thinking and respectful discussion.

In the lessons, students listen to a range of stories and scenarios, then share ideas on what they think they ought to do in these situations. For example, Can a sports competition ever really be fair? Should school teachers give all students the same amount of attention? The teacher’s role is not to make judgements or give opinions about right or wrong, but to encourage questions and reflection by the children.

The benefits of ethics education for schools and children.

All ethics classes are taught by volunteers who receive training and support from Primary Ethics, the non-profit group that facilitates the program. Teachers follow a set curriculum and scripted lesson plans, so they don't need to come up with their own ideas for discussion, and cannot set their own agenda.

We'd love to bring in a few more volunteers to keep up with the kids' demand for ethics. It's suited to people of all ages and backgrounds who can commit to around an hour a week on Monday afternoons. To find out more about this rewarding volunteer opportunity, head to the website, read the flyer, or get in touch with us.

The Primary Ethics Team

Primary Ethics - a small way to make a big difference.